APHSA works with and through its members, the nation’s public human services leaders, to actively provide resources and opportunities for achieving gainful employment and independence; healthier and stronger families, adults, and communities; and sustained well-being of children and youth. Through both broad initiatives and specifically tailored programs—financial assistance, family services, health care, work opportunities, and other pragmatic and workable ways to support transitions away from dependence—human service agencies are increasing the overall health and well-being of all Americans.


This work is presented through the Pathways Initiative, a body of successful approaches and policy improvements that will facilitate this critical transition. APHSA has published a series of papers and policy briefs that advance and undergird the Pathways agenda. Our papers focus on key outcome areas; provide a background summary of present policy and funding concerns; explain our broad vision for lasting and sustainable solutions; and present the policy priorities necessary to implement these solutions. They also provide more detailed policy recommendations to support system modernization. As papers are published or updated, they will be posted here.  

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