Written By: Marina Pascali

Artificial intelligence (AI) and more recently, generative AI (GenAI) solutions, have captured the public’s imagination. Major innovations in these technologies have only raised expectations in their ability to revolutionize the way we live and work.
While uncertainties surrounding AI have added caution to the excitement, the ambition to harness its benefits is clear. With its evident growth and transformative potential, AI offers unparalleled opportunities for enhancing every facet of our lives. The next generation will likely view a world without AI much as we currently view a world without the internet–unimaginable.
As the technology matures, now is an ideal time for government agencies to assess how to leverage it safely and ethically, for better outcomes.
Current & Expected Trends
Adoption of AI worldwide has increased dramatically in the past year, with organizations starting to apply it in multiple areas. The growth trajectory of AI technology is undeniable. AI is estimated to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
Research shows a surge in companies exploring GenAI in particular, to improve experiences at all touchpoints in an ecosystem. Some forecast that GenAI will be the foundation for future AI innovation, with natural language interaction becoming the new standard for engaging with information.
Like with any new technology, there is considerable hype and unrealistic expectations initially. As of 2023, Gartner’s hype cycle for emerging technologies places various AI capabilities near the peak of inflated expectations with a forecasted two- to five-year timeframe before mainstream adoption. In Gartner’s 2024 global survey, 70% of CIOs say generative AI is a game-changing technology, but only 9% have already deployed this type of solution.
Timing is everything. Invest too early and you’re funding experiments, but invest too late and you miss out on the benefits.
So Why Now?

Keep in mind that AI represents a number of different technologies and capabilities, each with varying degrees of maturity and associated risk. Certain AI capabilities such as GenAI-enabled virtual assistants and workload accelerators for appropriate use cases are expected to be ready for prime time in less than two years.
Currently, the benefits of applying AI to routine tasks across the public sector are estimated to be worth billions. This enormous boost in productivity, together with the promise of AI’s capabilities in the near future, make now the right time for Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies to evaluate AI technologies that have matured. Space must be given to determine which ones can be safely leveraged to achieve better outcomes—with this assessment being just the first step.
An AI Framework for Government
Incorporating AI into human services presents an opportunity to enhance service delivery, increase access, improve efficiency, and support decision-making. However, realizing these benefits requires a well-structured, risk-aware and human-centered approach.
“Timing is everything. Invest too early and you’re funding experiments, but invest too late and you miss out on the benefits”
At Cúram we have created an AI framework to ensure that AI applications are effectively and ethically integrated into human services, prioritizing the needs and experiences of users. The framework is based on our learnings from engagements with our customers and various industry partners.
Access the paper to view the framework.
The aim is that the AI framework can be used as a guide to help government agencies identify those key use cases that are likely to benefit from AI in both the short and long term, and have the potential to transform the face of health and human services.
AI is here to stay. Both traditional and generative AI can make a tangible, positive difference in how HHS organizations operate. However, caution is necessary. AI brings complex ethical, regulatory, and operational challenges that are unprecedented and require nuanced consideration especially in the delivery of government benefits and services.
With momentum building for this technology, now is a great time to explore its benefits for social services and to speak with trusted partners about how to best deploy it in targeted ways that can improve outcomes while taking a balanced approach to minimize potential risks. While experimentation with AI technology continues, our approach at Cúram is to focus on the proven technologies that will support improved outcomes.
Learn more about unlocking the future of artificial intelligence in government agencies.
About the Author

Senior Director, Product Management, Cúram
Disclaimer: The views reflected in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Cúram by Merative or other members of Cúram by Merative. The viewpoints expressed in contributors’ posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of APHSA.