Rebekah Sides

Policy Associate

Rebekah Sides is a Policy Associate with the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA). In her role, she liaises a group of public administrators and other officials who are committed to developing, implementing, and evaluating economic support programs that are accountable to the needs of the communities and the people they serve to increase their access to health.

Having supported programming designed to serve children on the autism spectrum, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, those returning to society from incarceration and adults receiving addiction-treatment services, Rebekah brings diverse past experiences from education, healthcare, community health, as well as diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) settings to strengthen health and human services programming and advance family social and economic mobility.

Rebekah has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Biology and a Master of Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.